Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Safe Arrival!

I am currently lying on my new bed in my new apartment in my new city, feeling like it's 6am but being told by my new phone that it is 11am. I am hungry and exhausted, my back is killing me. I am so happy. There is a group of people sitting here with me, having already explored every nook and cranny of their apartments and now come over to compare with ours. The boys have a much better view than we do, but our individual rooms are larger. They're putting a grill out on the balcony, we're boasting about our superior internet connection. Ian exclaimed when he saw our sleek, black phones and whipped out his own new pink one. It is happy chaos.

The last 14 hours are a blur that I can't even really comprehend fully. Everything feels very surreal, like I have been watching a movie of someone else's life since I left my house yesterday. Here's a brief breakdown of the events that occurred:

We left the house approximately fifteen minutes behind schedule, which had me convinced that I was going to miss my flight (never mind that we gave ourselves an extra hour of driving time to get us to the airport 3 hours before the flight was supposed to leave). The drive down was spent in amiable conversation among my mom, dad, sister and I. Patrick, who rode down with us, mostly sat or slept. Due to crazy random happenstance, we arrived moments after Andy and, with all of JFK's parking lots to choose from, parked about six spots away from him.  We promptly got lost, got found, then lost Andy's dad. Eventually, we all got through security and to our gate, where we had plenty of time to wait after harassing the poor currency exchange woman with our money-saving schemes (aka we pooled all our money and took more out of the bank to give us a thousand dollars total and a 1% better exchange rate). With the waiting, came the panic. It is moments like this when, for no reason that is in any way apparent, my brain decides it is time to go into emergency overload and barrage me with horrific images of all the worst possible case scenarios that could occur over the next six hours. I sweat, I breathe fast, and in other ways become extra attractive and not at all gross or weird. Luckily, we made it on the plane and through takeoff with only minimal amounts of brain damage.

The flight was fairly enjoyable - the meal was good, I liked the movie but the audio was broken so we all got $100 Delta Dollars to spend on our next flight, and I was sitting with nice people. I fell asleep for about twenty minutes before being jerked awake by turbulence, and that is the extent of the sleep I have had. Needless to say, I do not feel overly much like grocery shopping in twenty minutes' time, but that is what I am about to do. I will let you all know more about what's going on in a bit, but here are some pics from the airport and of the apartment to tide you over:

Allyson and Patrick chilling in the airport with their various entertainments.

Andy twirling his extra long mustache.

Sorry, that's all I have time for I'll update this when I get back! :)

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